yaw rate角速度;偏航率
yaw angle[航天]偏航角
On Supersonic Flow Past A Slightly Yawing Cone
7. On the Swaying Yawing and Rolling Motions of Ships in Oblique Waves
Supporting 3D window manipulation with a yawing mouse
Maximum Side Forces and Associated Yawing Moments on Slender Bodies
Method of obtaining the yawing velocity and/or transverse velocity of a vehicle
High-angle-of-attack yawing moment asymmetry of the X-31 aircraft from flight test
The Prediction of Nonlinear Pitching and Yawing Motion of Symmetric Missiles
Simulative study of a new control algorithm for yawing control system with PSCAD
Experimental investigation of yawing–rolling coupling effects on unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft
The influence of the section shape of box-girder decks on the steady aerodynamic yawing moment of double cantilever bridges under co...