- It can tell from their bice eyes and silent gaze the potential spirit,mild nature and kind temper in them.
从它们灰蓝色的眼睛里,从那种默默的注视中,似乎可以感受它们那潜在的灵性、温柔的本色、善良的心情。 - Far as the eye extends, all are becoming golden from bice in the prostemmatic cornfield.
The American Brachytherapy Society recommendations for permanent prostate brachytherapy postimplant dosimetric analysis
Natural Killer (NK) Cell–mediated Cytotoxicity: Differential Use of TRAIL and Fas Ligand by Immature and Mature Primary Human NK ...
Structural Defects Play a Major Role in the Acute Lung Toxicity of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes: Physicochemical Aspects
Endocytosis, oxidative stress and IL-8 expression in human lung epithelial cells upon treatment with fine and ultrafine TiO 2 : Role...
Chitosan-mediated stimulation of macrophage function
A quantitative trait locus for alcohol consumption in selectively bred rat lines.
2006: A multiple proxy and model study of Cretaceous upper ocean temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Jiggling the tropical thermostat in the Cretaceous hothouse
A survey of physics and dosimetry practice of permanent prostate brachytherapy in the United States.
Timing of computed tomography-based postimplant assessment following permanent transperineal prostate brachytherapy