YodelsYodelsYodelsLocal YodelsOBSESSION: YODELSHillbilly Records, Zulu Yodels, and the Sounds of a Global South‘Dixie Cowboys & Blue Yodels: The Strange History of the Singing Cowboy’A Mathematical Approach to Swiss Natural Yodels_FEHLMANN (2012)A mathematical approach to Swiss natural yodels 2_FEHLMANN (2014)Common Loons can differentiate yodels of neighboring and non-neighboring conspecificsMale Common Loons Signal Greater Aggressive Motivation By Lengthening Territorial YodelsStructural and Contextual Characteristics of Territorial "Yodels"Given by Male Common Loons (Gavia immer) in Northern WisconsinMale common loons, Gavia immer , communicate body mass and condition through dominant frequencies of territorial yodels