Lifetime effects: The HighScope Perry Preschool study through age 40 (Monographs of the HighScope Educational Research Foundation No.Moving away from the midline: new developments for Slit and Robo.PAYMENT APPARATUS AND METHODExpressive and receptive vocabulary in children with Williams and Down syndromesThe length of hippocampal cholinergic fibers is reduced in the aging brainPolicy issues in spectrum tradingRegulation of oxygen affinity by quaternary enhancement: Does hemoglobin ypsilanti represent an allosteric intermediate?The Ypsilanti Perry Preschool Project: Preschool Years and Longitudinal Results Through Fourth Grade. Monograph Number 3.The Ypsilanti Perry Preschool Project: Preschool years and longitudinal results through fourth gradeThe conformational and dynamic basis for ligand binding reactivity in hemoglobin Ypsilanti (beta 99 asp-->Tyr): origin of the quater...