- Instead, zephyr, the most gentle of winds, carried her away.
相反,风向中最温和的西风,将她带走了。 - I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea.
The Zephyr Notification Service
The Zephyr abstract syntax description language
The Zephyr Help Instance:promoting ongoing activity in a CSCW system
Zephyr: live migration in shared nothing databases for elastic cloud platforms
Zephyr: efficient incremental reprogramming of sensor nodes using function call indirections and difference computation
Efficacy predictors of lung volume reduction with Zephyr valves in a European cohort
Effects of stator vanes on power coefficients of a zephyr vertical axis wind turbine
In vitro Plant Formation from Stem Explants of Rape (Brassica napus cv. Zephyr)
Development of structural composite products made from bamboo I: fundamental properties of bamboo zephyr board.
Callus formation and plant regeneration from mesophyll protoplasts of rape plants ( Brassica napus L. cv. Zephyr) ☆