- Before the invention of spin technology, zoic fur were mainly material.
Free-living, amphizoic and opportunistic amebas.Symbiosis in Cell Evolution: Microbial Communities in the Archean and Ptroterozoic EonsEvolution of land mammal diversity in North America during the genozoic = Evolution de la diversité de la faune mammifère contin...Constraints on the timing of opening and closing of the Tianshan Pa leozoic oceanic basin:Evidence from Sinian and Carboniferous vol...Effect of pre-composting on vermicomposting of kitchen waste.Late Vendian–Early Palæozoic tectonic evolution of the Baltic Basin: regional tectonic implications from subsidence analysisOn the Cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica and some other Entozoic AmoebaeThe universe story : from the primordial flaring forth to the ecozoic era - a celebration of the unfolding of the cosmosIII. Contributions to the study of the errant Annelides of the older palæozoic rocksRedescription of Zoica puellula (Simon, 1898) (Araneae: Lycosidae: Zoicinae) and transfer of Zoica harduarae (Biswas & Roy, ...