Zoophytes:ZoophytesZoophytesXVII.âOn ZoophytesHistoire naturelle des zoophytesOn the arrangement of Zoophytes with pinnated tentaclesA catalogue of the Zoophytes of south Devon and south CornwallIII.âDescriptive Catalogue of the Zoophytes from the CragXXXIII.âSupplement to a Catalogue of Irish ZoophytesXV.âFurther notes on British zoophytes, with descriptions of new speciesSYNOPSIS OF THE FAMILIES AND GENERA OF AXIFEROUS ZOOPHYTES OR BARKED CORALSOn the Anatomy and Physiology of Cordylophora, a Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Tubularian ZoophytesThe natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe ... systematically arranged an...