- Some manufacturers are also developing bifocal IOLS, which may eliminate the need in some patients for prescription glasses after surgery.
Bifocal distraction osteogenesis for mandibular defect healing: case reportsBifocal fractures of the tibia and fibula. Incidence, classification and treatmentDOUBLE BIFOCAL INTRAOCULAR LENS-SPECTACLE TELESCOPIC DEVICE FOR LOW VISION USEMultifocal, especially bifocal, intraocular, artificial ophthalmic lensProspective study of the Acri.LISA bifocal intraocular lens.Visual acuity comparison of 2 models of bifocal aspheric intraocular lensesVisual function after implantation of an aspheric bifocal intraocular lensBifocal compression-distraction in the acute treatment of grade III open tibia fractures with bone and soft-tissue loss: a report of...A randomized trial of the effect of single-vision vs. bifocal lenses on myopia progression in children with esophoriaNervous propagation along ‘central’ motor pathways in intact man: Characteristics of motor responses to ‘bifocal’ and ‘unifocal...