- Symptoms of high gastrointestinal obstruction were severe, with bilious and large amounts of nasogastric effluent.
BiliousnessBiliousnessbiliousnessBiliousness and lithaemiaMigraine and Biliousness.Biliousness; its causes and its rational treatmentTHE HEPATIC FACTOR IN BILIOUSNESSThe Physical Basis of “Biliousness”Indigestion, Biliousness, and Gout in its Protean AspectsThe Physical Basis Of "Biliousness"And "Wind Round The Heart"Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid, cures sick headache & biliousnessIndigestion, Biliousness and Gout in Its Protean Aspects, Vol. 1: Indigestion and Biliousness (Classic Reprint)Experiencing, Exploiting, and Evacuating Bile: Framing Fashionable Biliousness from the Sufferer's Perspective