- Take the blasphemer outside the camp, and when all who heard him have laid their hands on his head, let the whole community stone him.
Pakistani 'blasphemer' killed by policeman
The Case of the Blasphemer (Leviticus XXIV 10 ff.)
The Story of the Blasphemer Seen in a Wider Context
The Case of the Blasphemer Revisited (Lev. XXIV 10-23)
O' Blasphemer first story from Malice Bulwark - The Anthology of terror
Flannery O'Connor's theology of friendship: Blasphemer and pagan landlady
The Ambiguous Details in the Blasphemer Narrative: Sources and Redaction in Leviticus 24:10-23
Domosławski – a hero or a blasphemer? Criticising in Polish-German discourse (a case study of press headlines)
“Son of an Israelite Woman and an Egyptian Man”—Jesus as the Blasphemer (Lev 24:10–23): An Anti-Gospel Polemic in the Zohar
u201cSon of an Israelite Woman and an Egyptian Manu201du2014Jesus as the Blasphemer (Lev 24:10u201323): An Anti-Gospel Polemic in th...