- But waiting is also a sort of blessedness.
不过,等待也是一种幸福。 - For Chinese, the round moon means blessedness and unity.
The Structure of Blessedness at a Muslim Shrine in Pakistan
Single Blessedness: Observations on the Single Status in Married Society
Southern single blessedness : unmarried women in the urban South, 1800-1865
From Ordinary Life to Blessedness, The Power of Intuitive Knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics
A survey of subjective blessedness of hypertension patients and their emotional status
Southern Single Blessedness: Unmarried Women in the Urban South, 1800-1865 by Christine Jacobsen Carter
The Thinking of the Field of Blessedness in Buddhism and Cherish Charity in the Medieval China
Eternal Blessedness for All?: A Historical-Systematic Examination of Schleiermacher's Understanding of Predestination
Love, immortality, and Blessedness : The Philosophy of Spinoza Unfolding the Latent Processes of His Reasoning
Research on the effect of college students' love affection toward blessedness