- But we cannot blithely conclude that all the losses should be allowed to stand in full force.
但我们不能因此就愉快地得出结论,认定投资者应该承担全部损失。 - Those who blithely factor oceanic uptake into the equations of what people can get away with when it comes to greenhouse-gas pollution should, perhaps, have second thoughts.
Alzheimer's disease biomarkers: walk with deliberate haste, don't run blithely on?
Heading Blithely Down the Garden Path? Some Entry Points into Current Debates on Women and Biotechnologies
My fifty years in nursing : give us to go blithely
Pornography Explored Blithely through 'Don Jon'
The Americans who won't be celebrating Nato's 50th Bill Kauffman on Main Street folk who are blithely ignored by their 'g lobalist' ...
Turkey's Dangerous Shift; but Obama Blithely Takes No Notice of Europe's Concern
`Gump' Takes Optimism Too Far an Innocent Wanders through Turbulent Times, Blithely Making Lemons into Lemonade
Leftovers / Blood, Language, and Voom
Cultural Memory and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Is Surrounded by Illuminating Misconceptions-Myths That...
Animated spreadsheets as a teaching resource on the freshman level