blown up v. 吹胀;发脾气;发生并加剧
blown off爆切;刮掉
blown film吹塑薄膜;多孔膜
full blown完全成熟的;充分发展的
blown glass吹制玻璃;吹制的玻璃制品
- The fighting may develop into a full blown war.
- The wind must have blown it over.
一定是风把它吹掉了。 - My hat was blown off while I was crossing the bridge.
过桥时风吹掉了我的帽子。 - The missile had blown the battleship asunder.
炮弹把战舰炸碎了。 - It seems that you've blown a fuse.
看样子你把保险丝烧断了。 - His abilities have been greatly blown up by the newspapers.
Melt-blown fibrous electrets
Starch-Based Blown Films
A wind-blown bubble model for NGC 6543
Biodegradable starch-based blown films
The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes by R. A. Bagnold
The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes by R. A. Bagnold
Large-area blown bubble films of aligned nanowires and carbon nanotubes
Wind-blown origin of the Pliocene red clay formation in the central Loess Plateau, China
Formation of ripple patterns and dunes by wind-blown sand
Vegetation and Topographic Control of Wind-blown Snow Distributions in Distributed and Aggregated Simulations for an Arctic Tundra B...