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Environmental education and critical theory of education: some relevant considerationsEffects of soil mulch and row covers on growth and yield of bell pepper (with 3 tables)Hipertensión arterial leve y moderada: monoterapia con captopril/hidroclorotiazida. estudio multicentricoQUE E ASSESSORIA DE IMPRENSA, ONeurocisticercosis en Guatemala / Neurocysticercosis in GuatemalaHELICOPTERO - 1000 PERGUNTASHomelessness, Health Status, and Health Care UsePredictors of Psychosis Remission in Psychotic Disorders That Co-occur With Substance UseRisk Factors for Long-Term Homelessness: Findings From a Longitudinal ...Nitrogênio e potássio via água de irriga??o nas características de produ??o da bananeira 'Grand Naine'