- In practice, they may become bogged down by wrangling.
实际上,这些法案很可能因争吵不休而陷入泥淖。 - The vote would bog down the house.
表决将使众议院陷入困境。 - I got bogged down in a long, fruitless discussion.
Anti-bogdown control system for turbine/compressor systems
Utilization of bogdown of single-shaft gas turbines to minimize relief flows in baseload LNG plants
'Unwieldy' claims could bog down automation process
Teachers' dilemma bog down CLT in EFL contexts: A discussion on EFL teachers' beliefs and sources
Personnel costs bog down U.S. defense budget
GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS REPORT: Legislative Logjam: Bills supported by the ABA bog down amid partisan bickering in Congress
Good News, Bad News: Maintenance Backlog Could Bog Down Tulsa Port of Catoosa Business Boom
Legislative Logjam: ABA-Supported Bills Bog Down in Partisan Congress
Tax cut pay-fors bog down lawmakers
Broward brouhaha. Ongoing investigations bog down Fla. system