- Bootleg gin; bootleg tapes.
非法售卖的杜松子酒; 盗版磁带
Bootlegging and path dependency
Going Underground: Bootlegging and Individual Innovative Performance
Going Underground: Bootlegging and Individual Innovative Performance
Interstate Cigarette Bootlegging: Extent, Revenue Losses, and Effects of Federal Intervention
A ZONE OF AMBIGUITY: The Political Economy of Cigarette Bootlegging
The Hidden Enterprise of Bootlegging Cigarettes Out of Greece: Two Schemes of Illegal Entrepreneurship
Forbidden Fruit: An analysis of bootlegging, uncertainty and learning in corporate R&D: by Peter Augsdorfer, Avebury, Aldershot, 199...
Estimating Dynamic Demand for Cigarettes Using Panel Data: The Effects of Bootlegging, Taxation and Advertising Reconsidered