- Each borrower may borrow up to two books or multimedia items.
Borrower Decision Aid for people-to-people lendingBorrower Risk and the Price and Nonprice Terms of Bank LoansThe Borrower's Curse: Optimism, Finance and EntrepreneurshipCan conditionality improve borrower ownership?Sharing default information as a borrower discipline device ☆Borrower–lender distance, credit scoring, and loan performance: Evidence from informational-opaque small business borrowers ☆Method for automatically determining the approval status of a potential borrowerScreening in New Credit Markets:Can Individual Lenders Infer Borrower Creditworthiness in Peer-to-Peer Lending?Method and apparatus for automatically determining the approval status of a potential borrowerApparatus and method for automatically matching a best available loan to a potential borrower via global telecommunications network