[Oblique recession with a loop].
Novel approach to the behavioural characterization of inbred mice: automated home cage observations
Erratum to “Automated home cage observations as a tool to measure the effects of wheel running on cage floor locomotion” [Behav. B...
Home cage testing of delay discounting in rats
Cartilage Tissue Engineering: Preventing Tissue Scaffold Contraction Using a 3D-Printed Polymeric Cage
Home cage testing of impulsivity
Fate and effects of the insecticide Dursban 4E in indoor Elodea-dominated and macrophyte-free freshwater model ecosystems: II. Secon...
Compromised decision-making and increased gambling proneness following dietary serotonin depletion in rats ☆
Can short-term frustration facilitate feather pecking in laying hens?
An alternative synthesis of (+)-sesbanimide A