A list of localities botanized in PanamaAnd in the Afternoons I BotanizedPLANTS COLLECTED IN THE SOUTHERN REGION OF JAMES BAYNEW PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OCCURRENCES FOR BELLIS PERENNIS, HIBISCUS MOSCHEUTOS, LAMIUM MACULATUM, AND ROBINIA HISPIDANew Pennsylvania County Occurrences for Hibiscus moscheutos, Robinia hispida, Bellis perennis, Heracleum maximum, and Lamium maculatumPteridophytes of Northeast Alabama and adjacent highlands v: Polypodiales (Polypodiaceae to Vittariaceae)The Vascular Plant Flora of the South Puget Sound Prairies, Washington, USAA CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A VASCULAR FLORA OF THE GREAT DISMAL SWAMPEarly observations on the flora of Southwest IrelandPoetry and Precision: Johannes Thienemann, the Bird Observatory in Rossitten and Civic Ornithology, 1900–1930