- Do you have a bowel movement today?
Bowel MovementBowel movement frequency in late-life and incidental Lewy bodiesBowel Movement Frequency in Late-Life and Substantia Nigra Neuron Density at DeathBowel movement, use of laxatives and risk of colorectal adenomatous polyps among women (United States).Bowel movement frequency and risk of colorectal cancer in a large cohort study of Japanese men and womenProspective study of bowel movement, laxitive use and risk of colorectal cancer among womenNutrition and lifestyle in relation to bowel movement frequency: a cross-sectional study of 20630 men and women in EPIC-Oxford.Prucalopride (PRU) improves bowel movement (BM)frequency and symptoms (SX) in patients (PTS) with chronic constipation (CC): Results...The effect of the herbal medicines dai-kenchu-to and keishi-bukuryo-gan on bowel movement after colorectal surgery.Supplementation of konjac glucomannan into a low-fiber Chinese diet promoted bowel movement and improved colonic ecology in constipa...