- He was taken to the warden's office.
他被带到看守长的办公室。 - The children were led to a place of safety.
What readers bring to the processing of fictional texts
What can quantum theory bring to information retrieval
One-to-One Computing: What Does It Bring to Schools?.
Strategies for using feedback students bring to higher education
Tissue microarrays: what will they bring to molecular and anatomic pathology?
What benefits will choice bring to patients? Literature review and assessment of implications.
What can digital technologies take from and bring to research in mathematics education?
What can digital technologies take from and bring to research in mathematics education?
The mathematical knowledge and understanding young children bring to school. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 18(1), 78-103
Knowledge and reasoning in mathematical pedagogy : examining What prospective teachers bring to teacher education. (Volumes I and II)