BtoB Kommunikation Agenturportraits 2012企业级电子商务(BtoB)模式研究BtoB Branding : A Survey of Literature and Some Practical ImplicationsRepresenting BtoB reality in case study research: Challenges and new opportunitiesQuestioning the BtoB/BtoC Dichotomy: The Contribution of the Consumer Culture TheoryEffects of Corporate Social Responsibility on BtoB Relational PerformanceLES eMarketplaces À L'ÉPREUVE DE LA RÉALITÉ DES ÉCHANGES BtoBZooming in VS zooming out on value co-creation: Consequences for BtoB researchBtoB Q&A - Goldenberg: CRM industry in recovery; More successful implementations, higher stock prices, new technologies indicate reb...A INOVA O E O DESIGN ESTéTICO NA GERA O DE CAPACIDADES DIN MICAS: UM ESTUDO DE CASO BTOB