- Give me a whole bottle of Budweiser, please.
请给我来一整瓶百威啤酒。 - This Budweiser lite tastes great and it is less filling.
Mortality and prognostic factors in patients with obesity‐hypoventilation syndrome undergoing noninvasive ventilation
Effects of Dynamic Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure Support on Central Sleep Apnea in Men With Heart Failure*
Predictors of survival in COPD patients with chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure receiving noninvasive home ventilation.
Sleep apnea is an independent correlate of erectile and sexual dysfunction.
ORIGINAL RESEARCH—MEN'S SEXUAL HEALTH: Sleep Apnea is an Independent Correlate of Erectile and Sexual Dysfunction
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation improves lung volumes in the obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Predictors of Survival in COPD Patients with Chronic Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure Receiving Noninvasive Home Ventilation
[Non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation for treatment of chronic respiratory failure. S2-Guidelines published by the Germa...
Long-term reduction of hyperinflation in stable COPD by non-invasive nocturnal home ventilation
Predictive significance of the six-minute walk distance for long-term survival in chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure.