bugs bunny兔八哥;兔宝宝(美国的卡通兔子人物)
- In some countries, people eat live bugs.
有些国家的人生吃虫子。 - Our test flight was to discover the bugs in the new plane.
Finding bugs is easyFinding bugs is easyFinding bugs is easyThe BUGS project: Evolution, critique and future directionsBugs as deviant behavior:a general approach to inferring errors in systems codeBugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems CodeTracking down software bugs using automatic anomaly detectionDrugs for bad bugs: confronting the challenges of antibacterial discovery.Bad bugs, no drugs: no ESKAPE! An update from the Infectious Diseases Society of America.Bad bugs need drugs: an update on the development pipeline from the Antimicrobial Availability Task Force of the Infectious Diseases...