用作名词 (n.)
动词+~形容词+~- great bulk庞大的体积
- huge bulk庞大的体积
- man of large bulk块头大的人
~+名词介词+~- by bulk按体积
- in bulk大批,桶装
- load in bulk散装入船
- sell goods in bulk整批出售货物
~+介词- bulk of book书的篇幅
- bulk of inhabitants大部分居民
- bulk of population人口的大部分
- bulk of property大部分财产
用作动词 (v.)
~+形容词- bulk large显得重要
- bulk small显得渺小
~+副词- bulk out使…更大〔更厚〕
- bulk up增加,积累
the bulk of大多数,大部
in bulk整批,散装;大批,大量
bulk cargo散装货
bulk density容积密度,体积密度;单位体积重量
bulk cement散装水泥
dry bulk干散货
bulk material疏松物质
bulk polymerization本体(整体)聚合
bulk carrier散装货船,散货船
bulk production批量生产
bulk modulus体积弹性模量
bulk grain散粮;散装谷物
soil bulk density土壤容重;土壤颗粒密度
bulk commodity大宗商品,散装货物
bulk goods散装货物
bulk order大宗订单
bulk purchase大量采购,成批采购
bulk volume总体积
bulk up胀大;形成大数目
bulk cement truck散装水泥卡车;散装水泥运输车
- It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk.
这些袋子难以搬运,倒不是因为重而是体积太大。 - He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair.
他挺起巨大的身躯,从椅子上站了起来。 - The bulk of the work has already been done.
大部分工作已经完成。 - The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful.
- We can manage some bulk carrier within two week.
我们可在两周内安排一些散装船去。 - I recommend you a bulk buy.
- A dozen petticoats bulked out her figure.
- The cake bulked up.
蛋糕发起来了。 - The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it.
MALAT-1, a novel noncoding RNA, and thymosin beta4 predict metastasis and survival in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer.
Cellular and molecular immunology
Design Rules for Donors in Bulk‐Heterojunction Solar Cells—Towards 10 % Energy‐Conversion Efficiency
Polymer–Fullerene Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells
Stabilization of metallic supercooled liquid and bulk amorphous alloys ☆
Bulk heterojunction solar cells with internal quantum efficiency approaching 100%
For the Bright Future—Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells with Power Conversion Efficiency of 7.4%
Polymer–Fullerene Bulk‐Heterojunction Solar Cells
Bulk-synchrony: a bridging model for parallel computation
High-Thermoelectric Performance of Nanostructured Bismuth Antimony Telluride Bulk Alloys