- A battalion of bulletproof vehicles speeds around the dusty streets of Costa Rica.
防弹汽车车队在尘土飞扬的哥斯达黎加街道上飞奔。 - The police wore bulletproof vests when taking the action.
BULLETPROOF WINDOWTen ways to bulletproof RS-485 interfacesBulletProof: a defect-tolerant CMP switch architectureBulletProof: a defect-tolerant CMP switch architectureBulletproof Instructional Design[R]: A Model for Blended Learning.Dissipation of energy by bulletproof aramid fabricBulletproof feathers: how science uses nature's secrets to design cutting-edge technologyWhen hardware meets software: a bulletproof solution to forensic memory acquisitionWhen hardware meets software: a bulletproof solution to forensic memory acquisition"Bulletproof skeptics in life's jungle": Which self-exempting beliefs about smoking most predict lack of progression towards quitting?