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Low‐noise modular microsusceptometer using nearly quantum limited dc SQUIDsReliable single‐target sputtering process for high‐temperature superconducting films and devicesCommunication on the letter: "Evolutionary Conservation of Motif Constituents in the Yeast Protein Interaction Network."Low‐noise thin‐film TlBaCaCuO dc SQUIDs operated at 77 KAmbegaokar-Baratoff-Ginzburg-Landau crossover effects on the critical current density of granular superconductorsLength scaling of bandwidth and noise in hot‐electron superconducting mixersA wideband fixed-tuned SIS receiver for 200-GHz operationVery high-current-density Nb/AlN/Nb tunnel junctions for low-noise submillimeter mixersA Low Noise NbTiN-Based 850 GHz SIS Receiver for the Caltech Submillimeter ObservatorySurvival for immunity: the price of immune system activation for bumblebee workers.