FAO/IPGRI Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Germplasm. No.15. Musa. 2nd edition.
The genome organization of banana bunchy top virus: analysis of six ssDNA components.
Nucleotide sequence of one component of the banana bunchy top virus genome contains a putative replicase gene.
Banana bunchy top: an economically important tropical plant virus disease
Virus-like particles associated with banana bunchy top disease contain small single-stranded DNA
Evidence for two groups of banana bunchy top virus isolates.
Two mRNAs are transcribed from banana bunchy top virus DNA-1.
Rickettsial relative associated with papaya bunchy top disease.
Purification, characterization and serological detection of virus-like particles associated with banana bunchy top disease in Austra...
Molecular cloning, sequence analysis, and detection of banana bunchy top virus in Hawaii.