用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- make up a bundle扎成一包
- unite a bundle打开包裹
形容词+~- big bundle一大包
- small bundle一小包
~+介词- bundle of clothes一包衣物
- bundle of newspapers一卷报纸
- bundle of sticks一捆棍子
用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- bundle away仓皇离开
- bundle off仓皇离开
- bundle out仓皇离开
- bundle up包扎好
~+介词- bundle into把…塞入…
- bundle out of愤然离开
- He collected a bundle of sticks.
他收集了一捆树枝。 - I see a bundle of firewood on the floor.
我看见了一捆劈柴在地板上。 - On the table there is a bundle of flower.
桌子上有一束花。 - My uncle sent me a large bundle on my birthday.
我生日时叔父给我寄来一个大包裹。 - The heavy bundle bore him down.
那包东西很重,压得他直不起腰。 - That car must have cost a bundle.
- Can you bundle up the sheets for me?
你能替我将这些单子捆起来吗? - I tried to bundle it into a bag.
我试图把它收到一只袋子里。 - She bundled her son off to school.
Tobacco drying & bundled- Dakes
Bundled care for septic shock: an analysis of clinical trials.
Method and apparatus for bundled asset trading
The Potential for Cost Savings through Bundled Episode Payments
Numerical Simulation of Galloping of Iced Quad-Bundled Conductor
Relating microstructure to rheology of a bundled and cross-linked F-actin network in vitro.
Effectiveness of bundled behavioural interventions to control healthcare-associated infections: a systematic review of the literature
Who benefits from the family-bundled new rural social endowment insurance system?—an empirical analysis of the CHARLS data
Greening backbone networks:reducing energy consumption by shutting off cables in bundled links
PCL reconstruction. In vitro biomechanical comparison of 'isometric' versus single and double-bundled 'anatomic' grafts