heavy burden重负;重炉料
burden of proof举证责任;提供证据之责任
tax burden课税负担
financial burden n. 财政负担,经济负担
economic burden经济负担
beast of burden驮兽(如马、驴等)
burden of persuasion说服责任;举证责任
- The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.
他背上的重负似乎要把他压倒在地。 - A load or burden that is too full or heavy.
Method for restarting a long-running, fault-tolerant operation in a transaction-oriented data base system without burdening the syst...
Protecting embryos and burdening women: assisted reproduction in Italy
A hybrid multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm for burdening optimization of copper strip production
Trace element burdening of human tissues due to the corrosion of hip-joint prostheses made of cobalt-chromium alloys
Unburdening evo-devo: ancestral attractions, model organisms, and basal baloney
Priority setting in health care: unburdening from the burden of disease
BioOne Online Journals - Effects of Radio Transmitter Burdening on Locomotor Ability and Survival of Iguana Hatchlings
Failure recovery method and node, and network
New Trends in Teacher Evaluation.
Effects of pregnancy on locomotor performance: an experimental study on lizards