- He gets so wound up when he's arguing.
他一辩论起来就十分激动。 - She works herself up about the most trivial things.
她为了最琐碎的事也会使自己激动起来。 - Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat.
分散兵力是导致失败的原因。 - Robert is always casting up my old failure at me.
Course of Hoisting Electro-motors Burst up in 450t Foundry Crane
The burst-up of "the clash of civilization
Flames Burst Up the Stairs, I Thought I Would Die; 16-YEAR-OLD TELLS OF FIREWORK BLAZE HORROR
Fiber optic telecommunication system employing continuous downlink, burst uplink transmission format with preset uplink guard band
Fiber optic telecommunication system employing continuous downlink, burst uplink transmission format with preset uplink guard band
Optical gamma-ray burst followup at Kitt Peak National Observatory
CARINE experiment-CARAMEL fuel cladding burst followup
Modification to Meggitt decoder for burst error correction codes
Single burst error correction
Calibration methodology for proportional counters applied to yield measurements of a neutron burst