- Double busbar substation in which the selectors are circuit-breakers.
选择开关是断路器的双母线接线。 - By applying this model, busbar protection failures are analyzed and compared in two different improved algorithms of neural networks.
Busbar design considerations for high power IGBT converters
Modeling of low inductive busbar connections
Reduced layer planar busbar for voltage source inverters
A busbar protection technique and its performance during CT saturation and CT ratio-mismatch
A novel busbar protection scheme based on wavelet multi-resolution signal decomposition
Status quo and development tendency of busbar protection
A reactor-level analysis of busbar costs for US nuclear plants, 1970–2005
Arrangement of phases and heating constraints in a busbar
Laboratory Investigation of IEC 61850-9-2-Based Busbar and Distance Relaying With Corrective Measure for Sampled Value Loss/Delay