Determinants of the prison population rate in the Caribbean NetherlandsSPECKLE REDUCTION BY ANGULAR SCANNING FOR LASER PROJECTION DISPLAYSPharmacological effects of oximes: how relevant are they?SURGICAL INSTRUMENT AND ATTACHMENTStudies in chemical ionization mass spectrometry III 1 : Ci-spectra of olefinsSerum amylase and lipase elevation is associated with intracranial events.Therapeutic efficacy of HI-6 in soman-poisoned marmoset monkeys.Therapy of organophosphate poisoning in the rat by direct effects of oximes unrelated to ChE reactivationToxicologic evaluation of pepper spray as a possible weapon for the Dutch police force: risk assessment and efficacy.Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy of 1-Methylthymine and its Water Clusters: The Dark State Survives Hydration