- Telecommuting, otherwise known as working from home, is one of the most magical buzzwords yet to surface on the US micro-computing scene.
BuzzwordsBuzzwordsBuzzwordsIntersectionality as buzzword: A sociology of science perspective on what makes a feminist theory successful.What do buzzwords do for development policy? a critical look at ‘participation’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘poverty reduction’Buzzwords and fuzzwords: deconstructing development discourseBuzzwords: Early Cortical Responses to Emotional Words during ReadingWhat do buzzwords do for development policy: a critical look at "participation", "poverty reduction"and "empowerment"The Knowledge-Based Economy: Conceptual Framework or Buzzword?Competition Theory, Hypothesis-Testing, and Other Community Ecological BuzzwordsOn a “buzzword”: hierarchical structureReview: Determining the active site in a catalytic process: Operando spectroscopy is more than a buzzwordIntersectionality as buzzword