Moment of Inertia - BYOB 3 2016BYOB: Using Social Media to 'Better Your O&P Business'bYOB [Build Your Own Bag]:a computationally-enhanced modular textile systemVisuelle Programmiersprachen Scratch, BYOB, Snap!BYOB: How Bringing Your Own Shopping Bags Leads to Treating Yourself and the Environment.The BYOB of wine phenomenon of consumers in the Australian licensed on-premise foodservice sector.Operators put cork in corkage charges, lure BYOB wine loversBYOB as a risk-reduction strategy (RRS) for wine consumers in the Australian on-premise foodservice sector: exploratory insights.Wine product involvement and consumers' BYOB behaviour in the South Australian on‐premise marketA PBL approach using virtual and real robots (with BYOB and LEGO NXT) to teaching learning key competences and standard curricula in...