Feminine Caesuras in Horatian Sapphic StanzasSamuel Richardson and the Theory of Tragedy: ‘Clarissa's Caesuras. By J. A. Smith. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 20...Book review: Samuel Richardson and the theory of tragedy: Clarissa’s caesuras by J. A. SmithSamuel Richardson and the Theory of Tragedy: Clarissa's Caesuras by J. A. Smith (review)Clarel and the Prodigal: The Caesuras of Melville's Iron AgeDuring and After Performance: Processes, Caesuras, and Resonances1968: The World Transformed: 1968 and 1989: Caesuras, Comparisons, and ConnectionsDe monosyllabis ante caesuras hexametri latini collocatisSamuel Richardson and the Theory of Tragedy: Clarissa's CaesurasCaesura's Palace