- The canny old lady knew that the book is too expensive.
那精明的老太太知道那本书太贵了。 - His a canny merchant who knows where his benefit is.
他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。 - Though his tone was respectful, sometimes obsequious, he was also canny.
尽管语气中颇有敬意,有时候甚至逢迎,但他很谨慎。 - Johnson was plainly a canny individual.
On the Canny edge detector
Canny edge detection on NVIDIA CUDA
Canny edge detection on NVIDIA CUDA
Canny edge detection enhancement by scale multiplication
Canny Edge Detection Enhancement by Scale Multiplication
A distributed Canny edge detector: algorithm and FPGA implementation.
An Adaptive Edge-detection Method Based on Canny Algorithm
Design of steerable filters for feature detection using canny-like criteria
Design of Steerable Filters for Feature Detection Using Canny-Like Criteria
Automated extraction of coastline from satellite imagery by integrating Canny edge detection and locally adaptive thresholding methods