- The capstone of Hatha Yoga is strength, stamina and supreme control of the body functions.
A Survey of Capstone Engineering Courses in North America
The software engineering capstone:structure and tradeoffs
Designing a Senior Capstone Course to Satisfy Industrial Customers
Resources for instructors of capstone courses in computing
A Model Curriculum for a Capstone Course in Multidisciplinary Engineering Design
The Dark Side of “Black-Box” Cryptography or: Should We Trust Capstone?
The Dark Side of “Black-Box” Cryptography or: Should We Trust Capstone?
Problem-based learning and self-efficacy: How a capstone course prepares students for a profession
A Review of Literature on Teaching Engineering Design Through Project‐Oriented Capstone Courses
Analysis of Student Perceptions and Expectations of Capstone Courses in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources