- Noninasie stroke olume and cardiac output were measured using impedance cardiography and corrected for body surface area to yield both stroke and cardiac indexes.
Impedance cardiography: the next vital sign technology?Ultrasound cardiography: contrast studies in anatomy and functionMethodological guidelines for impedance cardiographyCardiac output in exercise by impedance cardiography during breath holding and normal breathing.IMPEDANCE CARDIOGRAPHY AS A NONINVASIVE METHOD OF MONITORING CARDIAC FUNCTION AND OTHER PARAMETERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM *A meta-analysis of three decades of validating thoracic impedance cardiographyNon-invasive monitoring of hemodynamic parameters using impedance cardiographyContrast echo cardiography can assess risk area and infarct size during coronary occlusion and reperfusion: Experimental validationOptimizing the AV delay in DDD pacemaker patients with high degree AV block: mitral valve Doppler versus impedance cardiography.Bench to bedside: electrophysiologic and clinical principles of noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring using impedance cardiography.