- They used caribou skins for tents.
他们用驯鹿的皮做帐篷。 - We also wear handmade boots, which are made from caribou skin or sealskin.
Caribou movement as a correlated random walk
Dynamics of caribou and wolves in northern British Columbia
Antipredator tactics of calving caribou: dispersion in mountains
The role of predation in the decline and extirpation of woodland caribou
Scale-Dependent Habitat Selection by Mountain Caribou, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia
Habitat selection and home-range dynamics of the Gaspé caribou: a hierarchical analysis
Functional Response of Wolves Preying on Barren-Ground Caribou in a Multiple-Prey Ecosystem
A Multiscale Behavioral Approach to Understanding the Movements of Woodland Caribou
Quantifying barrier effects of roads and seismic lines on movements of female woodland caribou in northeastern Alberta
Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: an application to woodland caribou conservation in Alberta, Canada.