CarnotiteCarnotiteCarnotiteThe vibrational spectrum of synthetic carnotiteSynthesis and properties of carnotite and its alkali analoguesCarnotite analogues: Synthesis, structure and properties of the Na 1-xKxUO2VO4 solid solution (0≤x≤1)The crystal structure of Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 2 SiO 4 (Silico-Carnotite)Genesis principles for the precipitation of carnotite in Calcrete Drainages in Western AustraliaSynthesis of Potassium and Calcium Uranovanadates, analogues of Carnotite and Metatyuyamunite MineralsA Supergene Origin for Vein-Type Uranium Ores in the Light of the Western Australian Calcrete-Carnotite DepositsChemInform Abstract: ORTHOVANADATES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS. 15. THE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM OF SYNTHETIC CARNOTITEIsotopic Fractionation of Uranium: Extremely High Enrichments of 234U in the Acid-Residues of a Colorado CarnotiteSyntheses, Structures, Magnetic Properties, and X-ray Absorption Spectra of Carnotite-type Uranyl Chromium(V) Oxides: A[(UO2)2Cr2O...