Carpetbag chicA Look Inside the CarpetbagReview: A Look Inside the CarpetbagMelville’s Carpetbag: Nautical Transformations of the Authorial SelfFrom Carpetbag to Crucible: Reconceptualising Diminished Responsibility ManslaughterSurface fracturing of the Carpetbag event, Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, NevadaThe "Zandile"Project: A Collaboration between UT, Carpetbag Theatre, and South African Playwright Gcina Mhlophe. An InterviewCalculation of early time subsidence phenomena (a calculational study of the Carpetbag event), UCRL-89406Be a super! Sitter: you might not be able to pull a lamp out of a carpetbag, but with these babysitting tips and tricks, you'll be j...Physical properties and radiometric age estimates of surficial and fracture-fill deposits along a portion of the Carpetbag fault sys...