Taking a free ride can cau(ɻ)se severe hyperrhoticityIn Quest of the Correct Tone of "Ton"in "Tonzang": Is It [ˊtɒn] or [ˋtɒn]?Perceiving unstressed vowels in foreign-accented English.Event-related potentials reflecting the processing of phonological constraint violationsRP English and Castilian Spanish Diphthongs Revisited from the Beats-and-Binding PerspectiveA` PROPOS DU VERBE lee EN KHMERWords of Life Mulao: Napo People/Language Movie TrailerChange from above in the early prescriptive pronouncing dictionaries of EnglishControlled manipulation of intonational difference: An experimental study of intonation patterns as the basis for language-ideologic...Vinogradniško in kletarsko izrazje v prleški vasi Cven