CasemateCasemateCasemateThe Date of Casemate Walls in Judah and Israel and Their PurposeCasemate Walls in Palestine and the Late Iron II Casemate at Tell el-Fûl (Gibeah)The Casemate Wall, the Four Room House, and Early Planning in the Israelite CityEstimation of the size of calcium casemate particles in cow's milk by the electron microscope.Rôle of cyanate ions in the urea-induced stabilization of the casemate complex in skim milkFrom Blunt to Pointy Tools: Transcending Task Automation to Effective Instructional Practice with CaseMate.Comparison between FLACS explosion simulations and experiments conducted in a PWR Steam Generator casemate scale down with hydrogen ...Le mura fenicie del Cabezo Pequeño del Estaño (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante - Spagna). Un esempio di "Casemate walls"in OccidenteBacteria and Bayonets: The Impact of Disease in American Military History. By David R. Petriello. (Philadelphia, PA: Casemate, 2016...White JCD, Davies DT. The relation between the chemical composition of milk and the stability of the casemate complex. I. General in...