- The customers of Cash & Carry stores can apply for a membership card to get discounts.
Cash and carryCASH AND CARRYCash-and-CarryThe cost of sustaining the Ghana's "Cash and Carry"system of health care financing at a rural health centreThe behaviour of health workers in an era of cost sharing: Ghana's drug cash and carry system.Winning new customers is a hard graft: Anton James, general manager, Batleys cash and carry, Southampton.(4Independents)Cash‐and‐carry trading and the pricing of treasury bill futuresThe work has only just begun: in profile: Graham Jagger, general manager, Parfetts Cash and Carry, Sheffield.(4 Independents)Cash-and-Carry AssociatesMetro Cash and CarryThe end of cash and carrySeasonality in ex ante German stock index futures arbitrage: where do reverse cash and carry arbitrage profits in Germany come from?CASH AND CARRY CUSTOMERS′ SHOPPING HABITS AND SUPPLIER CHOICE CRITERIA