Design of a dichroic Cassegrain subreflectorPerformance of Subaru Cassegrain Adaptive Optics SystemFOCES - a fibre optics Cassegrain Echelle spectrographIMAGING SYSTEM HAVING A DUAL CASSEGRAIN-LIKE FORMATMicrowave antennas derived from the cassegrain telescopeDesign of wide-band corrugated conical horns for Cassegrain antennasFactorization of the feed efficiency of paraboloids and Cassegrain antennasThe Sandiford 2.1-m Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph for McDonald Observatory: Optical and Mechanical Design and PerformanceSoft X-ray Images of the Solar Corona with a Normal-Incidence Cassegrain Multilayer Telescope.Designing axially symmetric Cassegrain or Gregorian dual-reflector antennas from combinations of prescribed geometric parameters. 2...