Wind Stress and Cycles in Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) Catch off C...
Effects of fishing methods on deep water shark species caught as by-catch off southern Portugal
Effects of fishing methods on deep water shark species caught as by-catch off southern Portugal
Age and Growth of the Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, and Size-Age Composition of the Recreational Catch off the Southeastern United S...
The Effects of Fish Trap Mesh Size on Reef Fish Catch off Southeastern Florida
Evaluation of a Selective Flatfish Trawl and Diel Variation in Rockfish Catchability as Bycatch Reduction Tools in the Deepwater Com...
Linkages between environmental conditions and recreational king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) catch off west‐central Florida
Preliminary Notes on the existence of a dolphin by-catch off French Guiana
Effects of environmental factors on the spatio-temporal distribution of striped marlin catch rates off Cabo San Lucas, Baja Californ...
Length and age composition of the oil sardine catch off Calicut coast in 1964 and 1965