- She walked too slowly to catch up with us.
她走得太慢,跟不上我们。 - Staff must stay behind after hours to catch up on their work.
下班後工作人员需要留下来把工作赶完。 - The thief caught up the money and ran away.
小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭。 - Old age and infirmity had begun to catch up with him.
他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。 - It seemed that she was always caught up in the household.
Association between postnatal catch-up growth and obesity in childhood: prospective cohort study
Catch-up growth in childhood and death from coronary heart disease: longitudinal study
The role of size at birth and postnatal catch-up growth in determining systolic blood pressure: a systematic review of the literature.
Association Between Postnatal Catch-Up Growth and Obesity in Childhood (Book Review)
Lifespan: catch-up growth and obesity in male mice
Ong KK, Ahmed ML, Emmett PM, Preece MA & Dunger DB: Association between postnatal catch-up growth and obesity in childhood: prospect...
Developmental catch-up, and deficit, following adoption after severe global early privation. English and Romanian Adoptees (ERA) Stu...
Competitive Advantages of the Latecomer Firm: A Resource-Based Account of Industrial Catch-Up Strategies
Catch-up growth following illness or starvation. An example of developmental canalization in man.
Children Born Small for Gestational Age: Do They Catch Up|[quest]|