Coumarins and Caterpillars: A Case for CoevolutionPhenology of forest caterpillars and their host trees: The importance of synchronyAllylglucosinolate and herbivorous caterpillars: a contrast in toxicity and tolerance.Detoxication enzymes in the guts of caterpillars: an evolutionary answer to plant defenses?Climatic Unpredictability and Parasitism of Caterpillars: Implications of Global WarmingGrowth of Herbivorous Caterpillars in Relation to Feeding Specialization and to the Growth Form of Their Food PlantsEntomopathogenic nematodes: natural enemies of root-feeding caterpillars on bush lupineClonal variation in foliar chemistry of aspen: effects on gypsy moths and forest tent caterpillarsInsect feeding mobilizes a unique plant defense protease that disrupts the peritrophic matrix of caterpillars.Effects of Exposure to Event 176 Bacillus thuringiensis Corn Pollen on Monarch and Black Swallowtail Caterpillars under Field Condit...