- An invaginated appendiceal stump mimicking a cecal polypoid tumor was found by colonoscopy in four out of 396 patients in the period from October 1990 to October 1993.
Speeding up cecal intubation: its role in the efficiency of colonoscopy delivery
Patchy cecal inflammation associated with distal ulcerative colitis: a prospective endoscopic study.
Phylogenetic analysis of cecal microbiota in chicken by the use of 16S rDNA clone libraries.
A prospective study of factors that determine cecal intubation time at colonoscopy
Comparative study of bacterial groups within the human cecal and fecal microbiota.
The Evolutionary Strategy of the Equidae and the Origins of Rumen and Cecal Digestion
Still photography versus videotaping for documentation of cecal intubation: a prospective study ☆
Selected indigestible oligosaccharides affect large bowel mass, cecal and fecal short-chain fatty acids, pH and microflora in rats
The effects of dietary mannaoligosaccharides on cecal parameters and the concentrations of enteric bacteria in the ceca of salmonell...
Diversity and phylogenetic analysis of bacteria in the mucosa of chicken ceca and comparison with bacteria in the cecal lumen